Evan-Moor Coupons
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Daily Practice
Check out Evan-Moor's Daily Practice teacher resources for Grades 1-8, covering language arts, math, reading, science, and geography.
Expires: Soon
Homeschool Bundle up to $160 OFF
Homeschool curriculum bundle up to $160 OFF! Saving you money on resources and time on lesson prep!
Expires: Valid sale
Online Library only $99.99/per year
Evan-Moor's entire online lesson library only $99.99/per year! Get activities and lessons from over 600 Evan-Moor books. Ideal for educational enrichment in the classroom or at home!
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Expires: Hurry up before it's too late
Special Sale!
Shop Evan-Moor's Special Sale! Teaching resources starting at just $5.25!
Expires: Ends up shortly
Skill Sharpeners
Check out Evan-Moor's Skill Sharpeners workbooks, perfect for practice at home for Grades PreK-6 for math, science, reading, spelling, and writing.
Expires: Ends quickly
Interactive Learning Games at $3.99
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers has launched a series of interactive learning games to provide children with "smart screen time." Based on Evan-Moor's teacher-developed educational materials, these interactive games provide skill practice that aligns to standards and helps children practice skills and concepts tied to the curriculum - in a fun game-like format! Only $3.99 each.
Expires: Promptly
About Evan-Moor Coupons

Evan-Moor offers discounts on your child's necessities for which you are looking for, but not limited to additional products. Find the highest quality with kid's coupons to get more for your buck. Although bills tend to add up for raising your child, these promotional deals at Evan-moor.com will make your purchase more affordable.
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